Faceless woman with group of dogs

Our four-legged ​friends need ​your help!

Save a life and earn 60 service hours per ​month for fostering a shelter dog or cat!

LA Animal Shelters are drowning in young, healthy dogs and cats. The shelters are 3X over capacity and ​unable to provide the care the animals need and deserve. Fostering is a wonderful way to get an animal out of ​the shelter, give him or her the love and care they deserve, and help them to find their forever home. Students ​play an important role in caring for their foster pet while learning to be responsible and even gaining valuable ​communication and marketing skills. Additionally, students become life-long animal advocates!

Get started now!

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Step One:

Apply to be a foster through L.A. ​Animal Services. It may take a ​while to be approved so be ​patient but persistent! Select ​HARBOR as your shelter. Don’t ​worry about selecting an animal ​unless you know which one you ​want. Start here!

Step Two:

Once your application is in, ​please fill out our questionaire ​so our volunteers can match ​you with the perfect furry ​foster! Start questionaire here ​Then browse our dogs on IG via ​ARFHarborShelter or go here ​and choose Harbor to start ​getting an idea of whose life ​you wa​nt to change.

Step Three:

Take your new furry friend home! ​We’ll give you a crate, leash, ​collar, food/water bowls, harness ​and tag. You can start caring and ​networking your foster to find its ​forever home while earning ​service hours! It’s fun, important ​and rewarding work! Plus, we’ll ​check in regularly to ensure a​ll’s well and we’re ​a phone call away!

Pets change

our lives.

We're on a quest

to change theirs.

Fostering is an important part of the ​decompression cycle for shelter animals. It’s ​rewarding but it is work, which is why we’re able to ​award students 60 service hours per month for ​fostering through our amazing partner, Pedro Pet ​Pals, a 501c3 non-profit organization. Students will ​need to fill out our log book showing what tasks ​they did every day to help their furry friend for ​their hours. If they are not affiliated with a service ​organization, we can submit hours for them in ​order to earn the Presidential Service Award.

Funny dog sitting on grass with leash in mouth

Contact us!

We are a group of dedicated Harbor ​volunteers who realized we need creative ​solutions to get our furry friends out of the h​orribly crowded shelter. We are her​e to answer any questions you may have. ​Send us a DM or email and we will answ​er as quick​y as possible!

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call or text 310-650-1089

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Dusk who came in with an old front injury. This doesn’t slow sweet ​Dusk down though. He’s a happy, affectionate, dog with puppy-like ​energy. Dusk knows his sit command and is such a patient, gentle ​treat taker. He enjoys time in the yard with volunteers and is ​learning to play fetch. Dusk is curious and eager to please and would ​make a great addition to your family.

He has the cutest face, wayward ears and a huge smile. He is ​always happy to meet someone, climb on their lap and give ​them a few kisses. He doesn’t know his size and sometimes ​invades your personal space but he is a good natured goofy ​boy.

This big, silly, bouncy senior boy is affectionate and so young at ​heart. He’s also a nonstop tail wager who knows his sit command, ​loves treats, enjoys short walks, and is bound to make you laugh.

Hagrid is friendly, engaging and loves attention and ​pets. He knows his sit command, is treat motivated ​and playful. He is currently kenneled with another dog ​and often used for dog testing. Hagrid is a young, ​sweet boy who has spent half his life in the shelter.

Introducing Maya our sweet husky. This well behaved ​girl is ready for her next adventure. So far, she has ​been to an adoption event and on a field trip and ​enjoyed both. She is curious, easy on leash, a gentle ​treat taker, and travels well in the car. Maya would ​make a wonderful hiking/walking companion

Looking for a friendly, funny, fluffy dog? Come ​meet Tracy. This sweet girl is now kenneled in the big ​yard where she is growing increasingly stressed by ​the current shelter conditions. Once out of her ​kennel, Tracy is affectionate, easy on leash, and a ​gentle treat taker. She longs for a home where she’ll ​get lots of exercise and love.

Introducing our happy girl Stella. She is a friendly, ​tail wagging girl with a beautiful chestnut coat and ​light brown eyes. She LOVES going for walks, heels ​by your side and knows her sit and shake commands. ​Stella is a sweet girl and she would make a wonderful ​family dog or companion.

This handsome boy is friendly, engaging, ​affectionate, and quick to drop his head in your lap ​for a bit of lovin’. Cash would be a wonderful family ​dog or companion and he would love to go for ​hikes/walks and then snuggle on the couch with you ​when the day is done. Cash is smart, sweet and may ​be the dog of your dreams

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I’ve never fostered before. Can you explain ​what’s involved?

A: Of course! It’s all spelled out right here.

Q: How old do I have to be to become a Foster ​Parent?

A: You must be at least 18 years old to apply to ​be a foster parent. While minor children can be ​in your household, the applicant and primary ​caregiver must be at least 18 years of age. ​Students can begin earning service hours at 5-​ye​a​r​s-old.

Q: Can I receive court-mandated​ hours by f​ostering?

A: No, only hours required for school​ students are​ ​o​ffered.

Happy woman petting dog on lawn

Q: Can I have other pets in my household while I am fostering?

A: Yes, however, your pets must be healthy and should be kept separate from your foster pets initially. We ​STRONGLY suggest following the 3-3-3 rule. Here is a great video on how to introduce animals. Please view ​it!

Q: Can I foster if I live in another county?

A: Realistically, we need you to be within an hour of the shelter so you can do check-ups for your animal. ​But we can make exceptions for strong candidates. Please send us an email.

Q: Does L.A. Animal Services provide food/medicine for foster pets?

A: Pedro Pet Pals provides starter kits for the care of our foster pets upon pick up along with a collar, leash, ​harness, and crate. Medical care is generally provided by the foster but we can work with you. We’ll provide ​a starter food kit as well.

Q: Can I adopt the pet once the foster period is over?

A: Absolutely!!! We call this a “foster fail” but it’s actually a win for everyone. As a foster parent you will ​receive priority to adopt along with family/friends. All foster pets must be returned to our Adoption Center ​to complete paperwork.

​​Q: Can I let someone else foster my foster pet?

A: No, your foster pet(s) must remain under your supervision at all times. If you need to transfer your foster ​pet to another registered foster, you MUST alert the Foster Team before doing so and gain approval.

Q: What if someone I know wants to adopt my foster pet?

A: That’s great! Let us know and we’ll help facilitate the process.

Q: How many service hours does my student need to get the Presidential Service Award?

A: It depends on their age. Learn everything abou the President’s Volunteer Service Award here.

Q: Tell me more about the service hour component.

A: Will do! Once you foster your new friend, we’ll send you a log sheet. Your student will need to fill this out ​on a daily basis tracking what activities he/she did to help care for and network your foster. We’ll sign off ​on it whenever your service organization needs us to. If you are not affiliated with a service organization ​and still want to earn the Presidential Service Award, Pedro Pet Pals is happy to be the Certifying ​Organization. We want everyone to be able to earn this distinguished award!

Q: I have more than one student in my household. Do they each get 60 hours?

A: No, service hours are 60/month per pet. Students may split those hours, though.

Q: What activities might my student be responsible for?

A: Glad you asked! Taking care of an animal is a big responsibility and promotes all sorts of wonderful ​things from increased empathy and responsibility to reduced loneliness (see article below). Students can ​be responsible for everything from feeding, grooming, walking, cleaning, playing, training (we can help with ​this), networking and promoting the foster pet to finding its forever home. We believe students who get ​involved with the care of their animals will become life-long animal advocates, especially for the shelter ​pets who need it.

Q: I still have questions! Can I talk to someone?

A: Yes, please. Reach out any time. We are here for you and want to make this program successful. Call or ​text 310.650.1089 or info@foster4servicehours.org

Extra resources we love!

15 Ways Volunteering Can Boost Your College Application

20 Benefits of Raising Kids Around Animals

How to introduce your dog to another dog

Rule of 3-3-3

Thank you to Pedro Pet Pals for making this program possible!

Please follow Pedro Pet Pals and ARF Harbor Shelter on social media!

Contact us at 310-650-1089


Instagram: @savingharbordogs

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